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Character Animator

Character Animation Demo Reel

Shot Breakdown


Take It Easy

Personal Project, 2021

Song by Sophia James @sophiajamesmusic

Responsible for animation, lighting, texturing, and rendering.

Bonnie Rig by Josh Sobel

Autodesk Maya, Arnold Renderer

Two Different Kinds of Love

MFA Thesis Film, 2020

Roles: Director, Producer, 3D Animator, 3D Modeler, Texturing Artist, Lighting Artist, Render Wrangler

Responsible for all animation including characters and props.

Responsible for all environment and prop modeling and texturing unless otherwise noted.

Responsible for lighting and rendering.

Ruby Rig by Amine Kefi

Cartoon Girl Rig by Cartoon Factory

Baby Boy Rig by InCom Studio 3D

Book Rig from TurboSquid

Autodesk Maya, Arnold Renderer

Lost In Space

Season 3 Episode 8: "Trust"

Netflix, 2021


Responsible for animation of all background alien robots (not Humanoid robot) in all shots.

Received and implemented feedback from Leads, Supervisors, and Client.

Met with rigging team to discuss updates and suggested improvements to increase fuctionality of character rigs.

Updated layout and assets as needed.

VFX Supervisor: Sebastian Butenberg

VFX Producer: Tyler Marino

Production Coordinator: Yuhan Zhou

Head of CG: Michael Comly

Animation Lead: Bill Tessier


Looking Up

Personal Project, 2021

An exploration of subtle facial animation.

Responsible for animation, lighting, texturing, and rendering.

David Rig by Gabriel Salas

Autodesk Maya, Arnold Renderer

Shot Breakdown

Hello! I'm Alyce.

Through the years, I have worked in various types of visual media from filmmaking to ceramics to graphic design; however, nothing lit a spark in me quite like animation. One class was all it took to get me hooked! Now, I have obtained my Master's Degree in Animation from SCAD, and aspire to make it my career. My dream is to join a feature animation studio where I can use my skills and passion for animation to create meaningful stories, and continue to learn and grow as an artist.

Let's connect!
Instagram: @alyce_animates 


© Alyce Vest 2022

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